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designed by : w4rnawarni
December 30, 2003
Heh heh heh. Keep that captain on his toes monkey!
December 26, 2003
Biography of Saddam
Wow, this guy lived a life! (0) commentsHey Hipsters:
For New Years do you plan to act the flask on some hooch? Do you plan to become a hip hound, hit the giggle water till you are shellacked, jiggered, pie-eyed, oiled, canned, ossified, crocked, jammed, barreled, half-cut, juiced, three-sheets-to-the-wind, stewed to the hat, tanked and soaked with a bar rag? Well swing on down to my pad and we can cut a rug , bust each others chops hamming it up, you know, have a time of it! (0) commentsDecember 22, 2003
Frickin Fonts!
Control these two as they fight! Who Loses? Comic Sans every time. (0) commentsDecember 19, 2003
Can hate induce love?
Or at least heavy like? One man's plight against all he hates one number at a time, please visit his site and laugh at his dislike of others. (0) commentsSquarepants? Not a chance.
December 18, 2003
One week away people!
DOMINICK THE DONKEY (THE ITALIAN CHRISTMAS DONKEY)Thanks, Peter Jackson for killing a genre
Fantasy movies have a pretty blotched past. Name 3 good fantasy movies before this trilogy. 'Willow'? 'Legend'? 'Neverending Story' perhaps? The only definite is 'The Princess Bride'. Now imagine being in a Star Search about to belt out your rendition of "Greatest Love of All", and they announce Guest Stars Maraiah Carey and Whitney Houston are going to perform "Greatest Love of All" before you. It would suck, huh? Along comes ole Peter, and makes the most epic fantasy movie of all time, who's going to even try after this? Nice knowing you elves, ogres and dwarves. (0) commentsDecember 16, 2003
People say they like to see pictures on my website
Sesame Street reference to follow
Bush called the capture of Saddam was a victory for the war on terrorism. I will agree that Saddam was a tyrant, and that this could be viewed as a victory for the war on tyranny. Maybe he just spoke before the end of the word got to the "Ta...Ta". (0) commentsSupport the cause that cares
We gain a larger feeling of community during the holiday season, and a greater sense of giving and kindness. I thought I would bring to light a charitable cause that I can believe in. Help those that can not help themselves, the endagered species. (0) commentsDecember 02, 2003
Why why why why!?!?!
Who thought that bringing 'When Harry Met Sally' to stage was a good idea? Who thought this was good casting? Are they trying any more? The remakes, please, stop. Come-on Dawg, Come Original! This is defiantly a show to bring your tissues to, not because it will touch you emotionally, but to morn the death of culture. (0) commentsDecember 01, 2003
Caption Contest follow-up
So, The website that was hosting the pic for the original Caption Contest took the picture off, so, I did a search and put up a different pic, what is creepy is 90 % of the entries still fit, look for yourself.