Links, Pictures and Comments that are Very Nice!
MonkeyHijinks T-Shirts
Best Movies Ever Made
My First Webpage
I too am a nice guy...
Bethinator's Bla-Bla Blog
F33r Teh SUN
My In-laws Fanatical-biking-frenzy site
Size does matter to some, Tiny Apps dot org.
Double Flee A.
Want to Play A Game?
strip on Fri, letter on Tue.
designed by : w4rnawarni
July 27, 2004
How cute!
July 23, 2004
(0) commentsJuly 21, 2004
And runner up for best sentence that made it on the AP....
"A methanphetamine addicted prostitute robbed Scott Petersons mail for Asian gang members for drug money."July 13, 2004
Mr. Golberg smiles from his grave.
The film took 606 takes. Very important that you understand: There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film. Everything you see really happened in real time exactly as you see it.July 08, 2004
Enjoy Reading? Sure, we all do!
I am not familliar with this Timothy McSweeney character, but after reading several of these short storys, fake letters, or other unrelated to each other thingys, I am going to continue to read and suggest you do the same. But whatever you do, do not eat the stew,('s not good). (0) commentsJuly 03, 2004
Even though my wife rarely reads this...
I still wouldn't put out an expose'on our personal tussles. Saying that, the guy at Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About dot com has, and they make for some funny reads. (0) commentsJuly 02, 2004
Saddam or Sybok? You decide...
July 01, 2004