Links, Pictures and Comments that are Very Nice!
MonkeyHijinks T-Shirts
Best Movies Ever Made
My First Webpage
I too am a nice guy...
Bethinator's Bla-Bla Blog
F33r Teh SUN
My In-laws Fanatical-biking-frenzy site
Size does matter to some, Tiny Apps dot org.
Double Flee A.
Want to Play A Game?
strip on Fri, letter on Tue.
designed by : w4rnawarni
April 30, 2004
He' just trying to mull it over.
April 27, 2004
I found this picture on the web.
They apear to be some form of Iraq-nid. What a tale must be spun about these. Cook them up and have them for desert. Make sand witches. Tell your friend you ate legs.April 19, 2004
Locke on, Lockestar!
As you prolly know my best man at my wedding plays the rock drums for rockandroll bands. He is no longer with the Shadrack band. He is with a punk rock band from Hollywood called LOCKESTAR!!! I do believe this is a picture with him beating the skins for his new-found friends. Peep this , yo, they are going on a tour, and will be in Roseville the weekend in the middle of June. It would be great if we all go there and show our support. I will post more info as it comes. (0) commentsApril 08, 2004
shhh, it is a secret.
I recently had a coworker show me this website that uses their super sense of taste to break down famous brands into delicious easy to follow recipes. Industrial cooking espionage. 400d xz04rs 1337. (0) commentsFather, It has been eight days since my last update.
I blame Kingdom of Loathing partially. I usually blog during business hours, and it has been slammin' at work, and the 10 minutes a day I have free, I was using on this very well put together free massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Fun stuff, give it a try.