Links, Pictures and Comments that are Very Nice!
MonkeyHijinks T-Shirts
Best Movies Ever Made
My First Webpage
I too am a nice guy...
Bethinator's Bla-Bla Blog
F33r Teh SUN
My In-laws Fanatical-biking-frenzy site
Size does matter to some, Tiny Apps dot org.
Double Flee A.
Want to Play A Game?
strip on Fri, letter on Tue.
designed by : w4rnawarni
March 08, 2004
My new plight.
I've noticed recently that the homeless of Sacramento are sullen and down trodden. The reason as I surmise is they are dressed in shoddy hand-me-downs. This doesn't put smiles on faces. I have a solution. Cafepress cuts me a check for every $25 above regular cost for items I sell. I, playing the concerned citizen, will in return, purchase with every check cut for me by, a funny shirt or hat from cafepress, and give it to a random vagrant downtown. My goal: I want our good city to have the most sarcastically robed homeless of all. If and when this happens, I will document it by posting a picture and small biography of the new owner of the garment. That is where I need your help. Let your friends know about this, or purchase an item yourself. I am keeping the mark-up on each item to a minimum, so I only get about a dollar per item.