Links, Pictures and Comments that are Very Nice!
MonkeyHijinks T-Shirts
Best Movies Ever Made
My First Webpage
I too am a nice guy...
Bethinator's Bla-Bla Blog
F33r Teh SUN
My In-laws Fanatical-biking-frenzy site
Size does matter to some, Tiny Apps dot org.
Double Flee A.
Want to Play A Game?
strip on Fri, letter on Tue.
designed by : w4rnawarni
January 29, 2004
Physicaly impossible
How are you supposed to sing the 80's rock ballad 'Don't Close Your Eyes' with the heart-felt passion it requires without actualy closing your eyes? (0) commentsJanuary 28, 2004
you got some shiny crome in my monkeys will win
You got some monkeys will win in my shiny crome, two great tastes that taste great together. For more of this mix-matcha, use the mixmaster! (0) commentsJanuary 27, 2004
Hot blooded, check it an see.
BWAAR! I AM A SKARY DONOSAR - MONSTAR! This comic shows that clip-art is funny, and educational. (0) commentsAdolfo, this one's for you!
"Some people are so afraid of cats that they can't even read about them. You silly people! How can you resist the darling slits of their greenish, alien eyes? How can you deprive yourselves of the incessant kneading of their razor-sharp, blood-drawing claws? How can you turn away from the unearthly throb of the purr exuding from deep within their soulless, carnivorous little bodies? They're gentle friends until the day they suffocate you in your sleep."January 26, 2004
I have to call my 20's 'Williams' because I never know them long enough to call them 'Bills'. (0) commentsJanuary 24, 2004
"I'm only 5 years old!" Tran
January 22, 2004
Go get em' tiger.
It always warms the heart to read a story of monkey escape. Also In the news there was a rumor of a tumor remover almost the size of one of us. What a huge weight off this lady's shoulders. (0) commentsJanuary 19, 2004
A letter from the management
It has been a half a year since I started this site, and I give myself mixed reviews. When I first started this weblog, I wrenched my hands in anticipation as I pictured writing paragraph long doggone funny quips and obsevations, expected strangers and friends alike to wait with baited breath for me to make them spill milk from their nostrils, and make the porcelain sad clown face when there were no updates. Needless to say, my funny has been consistent as oatmeal microwaved with milk 2 minutes on high, and not stirred. Like oatmeal, weblogs are better with a lump of brown sugar, so I break up this rant with this honey:January 12, 2004
Do you know why the stone donkey is sad?
Because it has been over a year since he's been passed around like a two bit whore. That is the only way we can satisfy him and turn that frown upside down. Confimation on the White elephant Gift exchange is it is being held at Chevys in Elk Grove at 6pm on Saturday the 17th of January.Snake a snake, oh it's a snake!
Not a good way to shed those extra holiday pounds! (0) commentssaving the gay baby whales
Ah, blessed irony! Driving Off-road vehicles in Japan, preaching about being one with nature on their oversized spare tire covers! (0) commentsJanuary 08, 2004
Have you seen these kids?
January 06, 2004
the bench states Chandelier now has the floor
Hundreds of glass fragments litter the floor of the Missouri Senate chamber after this 600-pound chandelier plunged 50 feet as it was being moved this morning. The falling light crushed an 85-year-old mahogany bench used by pages during the session.January 05, 2004
I am on pins and needles to find out what the white elephant will bring me
Our yearly time to trade the cream of the crap is coming up. Stasi is going to see if next weekend is good for everyone involved, and I also overheard her tell someone on the phone Stockton is the location, prolly El Toritos or Xo-mix-hit-uikas. Let me know if this conflicts with any plans anyone has.