October 06, 2003
Thanks for saving me 10 Minutes of Cut-n-Paste, KittyKittyKitty
I followed a link off of
chris's website (BTW he updated almost every page on his site) to
POE News, and have been posting regularly. Looks like my brand of humor isn't everyones cup of tea. One of the regulars was nice enough to go through my postings, and collect some "good" quotes. Some of them loose their meaning out of context, some of them are funnier that way.
"But, why is it every time you guys see someone in the news cutting an abortion doctor in half with a shotgun, or destroying property dressed in a leotard, you guys go all 'Fight the power, brutha' and 'Damn the Man'"
"you know what, I thought that this was a forum to discuss POE news, not tryouts for Spellbound II: Conjegation Nation"
"...get a neoprene suit made, that outfit is an embarrassment to vigilante superheroes."
"When you do not pay for parking you are bad."
"Monkeys are funny."
"Nelly is too cool for school."
"$15 or not, Yes Virginia that is justice."
"I'd tap that fish's ass."
"my ideas may not be the same as yours, but that does not make me an idiot."
"...only, edgy teens shop at hot topic."
"The touch, the feel of cotton, it truly is the fabric of our lives."
"I was taught out of "history" books all through school"
" I say kudos to Nelly for taping in to the soft drink market."
"The 'post with quote' is supposed to make a thread easier to read, the way you guys are abusing it, carrying on useless trails of irrelevance, it's becoming unreadable."
"The problem with this idea is airplanes are too mobile."
"He's the troll that pulled me under this bridge."
"Most of David Spade's movies and TV apearances have beeen laugh riots. "
"What if your cat is already freaked out and twitchy?"
"Can you please keep away from Ideas about children's mouths, that can't be wholesome."
"These 'utes' do not look too utilitarian to me"
"In my days on this earth I HAVE NEVER been witness to such a display of unabashed repugnant alliteration."
"...she has Moxie, and you can't buy that on store shelves."
"I am A Doctor In Doctoring Doctorology."
"Mabee you should think of printing one out to beef up your Cleric's resume when LARPing, because from your posting, you are huge into TROLL hunting. "
"You think it is going to look as it did 20 years ago, now it is going to look like a dirty yellow dishrag with nipples."
"I felt like I was on the set of Dawson's creek."
"Whew.. I smelt that stinker from a mile away!"
"no, you, sir, went to Big Pussy High"
"If I had the money I'd buy your father a "Victim" T-Shirt, and you a baby bottle for crying about it."
"Historians have always stated that the bible is one of the most acurate historical document of all times"
"That guy was tough as nails on lawbreakers!"
"All of the topics are covered in the phamplett stupids."
"I was just cleaning my Kazzaa and it went off!!!"
"Bisides Nentendo has always prided itself on being a family gaming system, I seriously doubt they would go around grafitting churches."
"I get my daily allotment of fiber through my Fruit Loops "
"I don't have a grain of pity on reporters."
"The Old Testament, while still one of the best historically accurate document of that time, and action packed, was invalidated by the birth of one man. The eye for an eye hoo-ha is gone."
"Whoever took you guys off Ridalin should put you back on."
"You act like human life is sacred."