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September 30, 2003
Just thought I'd throw an idea out there
I could set up a public blog everyone can sign into, and post whatever, tell me your thoughts on this, we could use it as a message board for all the crazy sexy cool stuff we find on the web, or to rant, and I can put a link on this site, please leave yay or nay comments. (0) commentsOnly 31 Days Away
I thought I would give you guys advice on the best way to make a nice looking, yet inexpensive and light weight weapon for your ninja, barbarian, or pirate costumes alike:September 29, 2003
The Great Ape Escape
You cannot blame 'Little Joe' from having a night on the town, he has, after all, been kept cooped up his whole life. I think it is funny that he is now being kept in a secure caging area. You would think that they would have put him in there after his first escape from the Tropical Rainforest exhibit in August. (0) commentsSeptember 25, 2003 attacked by zombies
In the war against spam, was a casualty. (0) commentsSeptember 19, 2003
these have imaginative net knowledge
This looks fun, tell me what you guys think. I have always liked to find time sucks on the internet, found one! Reminds me of the piercing mildred fun I used to have.Avast Ye Mateys!
It be Sept 19. The day scurvy-dog land lovers talk like they be carrying sea legs. Dead men tale no tales. (0) commentsSeptember 18, 2003
This is a grape injustice!
Monkeys will not take the raw deal for granite. Damn the man in the white coats, don't give them an inch. Equal pay for equal work. (0) commentsSeptember 17, 2003
I'm Sure Now We Will Have Floridians Climbing On Makeshift Rafts To Go Visit
The House of Representatives recently voted to end the decades-old restriction prohibiting travel to Cuba. (0) commentsSeptember 16, 2003
Have you ever noticed...
...that some people spend lots of money on Halloween costumes, when theSeptember 15, 2003
Snake, Snake....
More non-monkey hijinks. Sorry, no badgers or mushrooms in this link. (0) commentsSeptember 11, 2003
They Missed A Marketing Opportunity
They should have released LOTR: The Two Towers DVD today instead of last month.September 10, 2003
Snake Snake Oh It's A Snake
Play this for about 20 minutes, it will change your outlook on life. (0) commentsDon't you know the Dewey Decimal System?
(0) commentsSeptember 08, 2003
Correction and Update
Some of us need help with cooking, but not Stasi! All of the events she competed in at the 2003 California State Fair were surprise bag cook offs at the Del Monte California Kitchen. She went home with three blue ribbons and two red. Best of all, was the audience’s response to her food. Everyone loved the samples of Stasi's foods, asking he for recipes of it. There wasn't a single time where a dish was brought to a judge where they didn't clean the plate. (0) commentsSeptember 05, 2003
Annual Camping Trip Around The Corner
Even though my younger sister is going to be in town, I am prolly not going to invite her. The main reason for her absence is her affection for stating resemblance of other people to jungle animals within earshot. Play nice, or don't play at all, people. It will be at Spicer Reservoir, not far from last year’s spot. Bring cameras, there were very little photos taken at last year’s event, and I believe that people sitting in lawn chairs dressed in flannel are fun, fun, fun. (0) commentsSeptember 04, 2003
Have you ever noticed...
...that gangster rappers are quick to show up to potluck dinners, but almost never bring anything?September 03, 2003
Eat Your Heart Out Rachael Ray
$40 a day for food?! PTTTHHHHHH! How about dining out on $40 a week? Follow me on this harried itinerary of epicurean delights:September 02, 2003
A Little Viewer Mail
This comes from Doug W: