Links, Pictures and Comments that are Very Nice!
MonkeyHijinks T-Shirts
Best Movies Ever Made
My First Webpage
I too am a nice guy...
Bethinator's Bla-Bla Blog
F33r Teh SUN
My In-laws Fanatical-biking-frenzy site
Size does matter to some, Tiny Apps dot org.
Double Flee A.
Want to Play A Game?
strip on Fri, letter on Tue.
designed by : w4rnawarni
July 14, 2003
Step 1: Make it Lame
Being new to website making I did a Google search for Basic HTML, you know, to make my website Very Nice. I do appreciate the fact that people take the time to put together these, and really appreciate the fact that some people aren't jackmules and give this info for free. What I do not appreciate is they teach all the poo that makes a bad website right away. First they teach Underline.... I bet you moved your mouse to see what was linked... and that is EXACTLY why not to teach that first! Next is bold and italics. So, why exactly, have these, to put emphasis on a word? Why not just Underline it? Or change the color of every letter to make it really emhisized. Why, in the name of all that is good and right, does strikeou