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July 16, 2003
It was rated Arrrgh! I own a pirated copy.
We went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" last night (Go monkey, get busy!). Picture with me if you will, going through a two-hour surgery, and coming out feeling like things went famously. Then the surgeon comes up to you and says, "After we got you all tied up, we had this left over.” and hands you a pile of your random guts. That is how sloppy and awkward it ended. That soundtrack sound familiar, of course it does, it is every Jerry B movie's soundtrack. I did enjoy most of this movie, except the previews, and the end, both were horribly painful. The first preview was "The Nutty Doolittle Lives in A Haunted Mansion". Do you remember when Eddie Murphy was funny? I know it's hard, that is because it was a loong time ago. The second preview was another rehash of Vice Versa. Do we need another two hours of pap to tell us parents are uncool and work sucks? If the internet Jamie Lee rumors are true, that girl is in for a world of surprise when she finds her mom is packing two working sets.